Camp Perry

Historical Pictures - page 2

The entrance gate from the outside - older version.
(click on picture for larger version of photo)

The entrance gate from the inside - older version.
(click on picture for larger version of photo)

Charles Johnson leading an activivity in the Bowl - 1962
Note the Eagle on the top right of the bowl.
There was one on each end of the bowl. Both went missing after one of the hurricanes

an old photo of the Bowl

The top of the bowl looking across the Arroyo Colorado.
Note hikers on the far side and the canoe on the left.
(click on the picture for a larger version)


to the First Historical Pictures page

to the Second Historical Pictures page

to the Third Historical Pictures page - Waterfront & Arroyo.

to the Activities Historical Pictures page.

to the Groups Historical Pictures page.

to the Messhall Historical Pictures page.

to the Building and misc. Historical Pictures page.

History Index page.

Camp Perry History Long version

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