Camp Rangers

Camp Perry - Texas

Ranger James E. Nolan - custodian (some time between 1934 and 1948 ?)

Ranger Ted Luten - 1948 ? - 1956

Ranger Buddy Johnson - 1956 - 1983

Ranger Pete Langan - 1983 - 2010
- picture taken 16 August 2009

Ranger Jose Dacasa. - 2010 - current
- picture taken 14 May 2011

Ranger John Moreno - to 2022 -

Ranger Julian Villarreal - 2022 -

Camp Perry History Longer version.

Camp Perry History Shorter version.

Historical Pictures of Camp Perry some from 1930 and others through the 1950s.

Camp Perry PATCHES Summer Camp.

Camp Perry Winter Camp PATCHES .

The Charlie Ward collection of patches and other Rio Grande Council patches and other memorabilia - mostly 1960 - 1990.

Camp Perry Maps


Return to Camp Perry Home page.


To Rio Grande Council main page.

- page updated 30 May. 2011 - - reviewed March 2020 - - reviewed April 2022